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[this is a resource] A resource in the dataset Features Of Interest.

RDF Resource

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This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
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In Graph
MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.0886742032922148 53.06169184940238, -2.084987532118156 53.059698075624205, -2.080876578896297 53.05565765658617, -2.0842534716580112 53.0513701705372, -2.0876253074470466 53.047853857518064, -2.089546770394545 53.04433765715444, -2.092081225630459 53.04096387770633, -2.0912965443767595 53.03806548407171, -2.0963559364455704 53.03368914695037, -2.096851276210408 53.035130603320866, -2.10261951073221 53.03763551697128, -2.1070995560844192 53.03882981300949, -2.1095648363123094 53.041749928401366, -2.1117401382518715 53.040291662536376, -2.116044056428117 53.041787815984044, -2.126508075147905 53.04013573116969, -2.1317785684550095 53.0473338871157, -2.1293229609860016 53.04823819455154, -2.124893287386749 53.04850631517301, -2.1196440111247603 53.04749414722895, -2.118941283817217 53.0490661542921, -2.124114341773879 53.05255673592492, -2.1274372843008367 53.05373888382949, -2.127389321186575 53.05921061714864, -2.125399558525865 53.06457924072426, -2.1245514139675863 53.06543140244239, -2.119600739242884 53.065208166161845, -2.117351315361885 53.06721408448878, -2.1130022106294297 53.06880758358872, -2.106985019217463 53.06654161631383, -2.1067330414116614 53.06423073995733, -2.105110850740437 53.06297820587621, -2.099557465900298 53.06264770970035, -2.097165548787802 53.06071973483395, -2.093313843222485 53.061199264846834, -2.091335639462767 53.060693824574166, -2.0886742032922148 53.06169184940238)))
POLYGON ((-2.089 53.062, -2.081 53.056, -2.096 53.034, -2.116 53.042, -2.127 53.04, -2.132 53.047, -2.125 53.065, -2.089 53.062))
Type rdf:type
Machine-readable formats

In addition to this bookmarkable html page, this metadata about this linked data resource is also available for our robot customers in the following machine-readable formats. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.

metadata about this linked data resource JSON RDF/XML Turtle N-Triples