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[this is a resource] A resource in the dataset Features Of Interest.

RDF Resource

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MULTIPOLYGON (((0.761745384224767 52.57818811223629, 0.7583466598408534 52.584547854960434, 0.7554528327732677 52.58670962077869, 0.7517980096128082 52.591928512826314, 0.7513155844749821 52.59419687751902, 0.752116905694651 52.59597859106922, 0.7439536714138706 52.594587076421256, 0.7445695990032657 52.59662043001971, 0.7459968105967577 52.59800009561146, 0.7504792031489741 52.598452741504936, 0.7488668205422265 52.60248919720545, 0.7484538925003856 52.60480988407078, 0.7548808776461446 52.60514618961718, 0.7580444029866974 52.60575241726151, 0.7607794503406722 52.6069890401108, 0.7720426969665557 52.60809284664935, 0.7717701613726762 52.61016212075505, 0.7745549469497406 52.6163791005333, 0.7749251947454979 52.618214792533465, 0.7787836744539218 52.618273601755284, 0.782682511953405 52.616988750725106, 0.7972861342611465 52.61535156922674, 0.7996860589631999 52.6147130299304, 0.8015503792744204 52.61526604319509, 0.8062706107434289 52.61554184895749, 0.8075286210288557 52.61624582565705, 0.8119505106829836 52.61693584697828, 0.8153856860427108 52.616061966215824, 0.8203643098222888 52.6176421912691, 0.8230298784908026 52.61801211343541, 0.8265203010561643 52.61902954409186, 0.8293532670335902 52.620434882341, 0.8354034514101987 52.62019753232257, 0.8362532998244034 52.61789303498446, 0.8308881772127975 52.61598818442312, 0.8274301277632926 52.61519582670037, 0.8186465373715885 52.608060947067855, 0.8162393283560615 52.605353885027114, 0.8105769913338263 52.605366144256365, 0.809454228911778 52.60164824877973, 0.8098311135250337 52.59973735155501, 0.807102189892135 52.59803412122438, 0.803616980231223 52.59715718419516, 0.7991127293218436 52.59690225819898, 0.7958902630531274 52.59490646816878, 0.7953015338473142 52.58960293747329, 0.7841509677922271 52.586487068994245, 0.7740291590808993 52.58598273993041, 0.7716103714418814 52.58677139407307, 0.769806951227047 52.5851454403083, 0.7670303826778876 52.58393519067955, 0.7626072284028287 52.579991735605184, 0.761745384224767 52.57818811223629)))
POLYGON ((0.762 52.578, 0.752 52.592, 0.744 52.595, 0.748 52.605, 0.772 52.608, 0.775 52.618, 0.8 52.615, 0.823 52.618, 0.827 52.615, 0.81 52.6, 0.784 52.586, 0.772 52.587, 0.762 52.578))
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