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[this is a resource] A resource in the dataset Features Of Interest.

RDF Resource

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In Graph
MULTIPOLYGON (((0.1462713829919136 53.291480919812564, 0.1487632100386879 53.289199215532555, 0.1495434701017945 53.2849245449172, 0.1535278476509575 53.28381607513878, 0.1518934122299098 53.28102345009078, 0.15331365319729 53.279255457182856, 0.1601819073072986 53.278296028946485, 0.1631494825801501 53.27949642782983, 0.1648620430012172 53.278477285312384, 0.1677913436877486 53.27888891877824, 0.1699828265771388 53.27565920473376, 0.1697276731708025 53.275033602932794, 0.1613125220941235 53.273113164802474, 0.1610701611006687 53.272589814309214, 0.1593007090159487 53.27256613187869, 0.1502556582314448 53.27546989139507, 0.1463030447786194 53.275072707935465, 0.1459860971809181 53.27353565285289, 0.1399533675064001 53.27040304450343, 0.1380954334688936 53.27049751769333, 0.1402576685610819 53.272322435132715, 0.1340322710646039 53.273862620256885, 0.131595612957128 53.27363290526462, 0.1296241811100956 53.27567210401944, 0.131109450917033 53.27700671129038, 0.1266412173351377 53.276887813673234, 0.1192480056974435 53.275522567008124, 0.1124712278085483 53.27679540433652, 0.1076367410754947 53.276121272544714, 0.1029351598705313 53.27821363583681, 0.1023385862630015 53.27846689595769, 0.1076384313618712 53.278656529066566, 0.1126281006725629 53.281042378822114, 0.1105674060674086 53.283792167119216, 0.1101890723414242 53.28558345247552, 0.1096442125218791 53.28807623397702, 0.1140648367421759 53.28887900089702, 0.1189394822127844 53.288150559634516, 0.1207196715536506 53.288590905001, 0.1237855216920762 53.29277980195144, 0.1242721038366714 53.295390041286666, 0.1276380425589272 53.29729533916842, 0.130609399201966 53.29524551348889, 0.1347389964349469 53.297653950946305, 0.1358265778704729 53.29457682648824, 0.1440819240364552 53.2930037362877, 0.1462713829919136 53.291480919812564)))
POLYGON ((0.146 53.291, 0.154 53.279, 0.17 53.275, 0.161 53.273, 0.15 53.275, 0.138 53.27, 0.132 53.274, 0.103 53.278, 0.102 53.278, 0.11 53.286, 0.128 53.297, 0.135 53.298, 0.146 53.291))
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