Number of households in temporary accommodation (seasonally adjusted)
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Total number of households in temporary accommodation for all housing authorities in England, seasonally-adjusted. The total number for all housing authorities is reported for each quarter.
Why is this indicator in the business plan?This demonstrates the number of homeless households in temporary accommodation awaiting a settled home and will indicate whether that goes up or down over time.
How often is it updated?Quarterly
Where does the data come from?P1E returns from housing authorities. Published figures are at Table 775
What area does the headline figure cover?England
Are further breakdowns of the data available?Yes, can be split by housing authority and by type of accommodation, household type and ethnicity.
What does a change in this indicator show?An increase shows that the number of households requiring temporary accommodation risen, although it also shows that local authorities have taken increased action to help more families find temporary accommodation. Conversely, a decrease shows that the demand for temporary accommodation is falling. The changes in the Localism Act allow local authorities to make better use of Private Rented Sector accommodation in discharging their homelessness duty and should lead to homeless households being moved more quickly into settled accommodation, thereby reducing the need for temporary accommodation.
Time LagPublished within three months of the end of the reporting period.
Next available updateJune 2015.
Type of DataNational Statistics.
Robustness and data limitationsClose to 100% returns have been consistently achieved on this indicator in recent years. All returns undergo thorough validation and anomalous data are highlighted and verified by contacting the local authority.
Links to Further Information Contact DetailsThis is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
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Resource type | Number of resources |
Impact Indicator Report | 20 |
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