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Annual Population Survey - Employment count by occupation, England, by District, LEP: an observation

This dataset is for testing only. It is a subset of occupation data retrieved from Nomis, a service provided by ONS.

Observed value


Dclg Soc2010 Classification (unlocking this dimension will also unlock the Reference area)
  1. SOC2010 Major Group 5
Reference Area
  1. Bournemouth E06000028
Reference Period (unlocking this dimension will also unlock the Reference area)
  1. Year ending 2015-09-30
Reference area
(showing types of area available in these data)
  1. Country Group
  2. Countries
  3. Upper Tier Authorities
  4. Lower Tier Authorities
  5. Unitary Authorities
  6. Non-metropolitan Districts
  7. Metropolitan Districts
  8. London Boroughs
  9. Local Enterprise Partnerships
Time series: Count of those in employment for values of Reference period
Reference Area Year ending 2004-12-31 Year ending 2005-03-31 Year ending 2005-06-30 Year ending 2005-09-30 Year ending 2005-12-31 Year ending 2006-03-31 Year ending 2006-06-30 Year ending 2006-09-30 Year ending 2006-12-31 Year ending 2007-03-31 Year ending 2007-06-30 Year ending 2007-09-30 Year ending 2007-12-31 Year ending 2008-03-31 Year ending 2008-06-30 Year ending 2008-09-30 Year ending 2008-12-31 Year ending 2009-03-31 Year ending 2009-06-30 Year ending 2009-09-30 Year ending 2009-12-31 Year ending 2010-03-31 Year ending 2010-06-30 Year ending 2010-09-30 Year ending 2010-12-31 Year ending 2011-03-31 Year ending 2011-06-30 Year ending 2011-09-30 Year ending 2011-12-31 Year ending 2012-03-31 Year ending 2012-06-30 Year ending 2012-09-30 Year ending 2012-12-31 Year ending 2013-03-31 Year ending 2013-06-30 Year ending 2013-09-30 Year ending 2013-12-31 Year ending 2014-03-31 Year ending 2014-06-30 Year ending 2014-09-30 Year ending 2014-12-31 Year ending 2015-03-31 Year ending 2015-06-30 Year ending 2015-09-30 Year ending 2015-12-31 Year ending 2016-03-31 Year ending 2016-06-30 Year ending 2016-09-30 Year ending 2016-12-31 Year ending 2017-03-31 Year ending 2017-06-30 Year ending 2017-09-30 Year ending 2017-12-31
Bournemouth 9,300 8,500 9,300 9,400 10,000 9,600 8,800 8,600 8,500 9,100 9,500 9,100 10,200 11,600 10,200 11,300 11,300 10,800 10,700 10,900 10,400 9,900 9,600 9,300 8,700 8,400 7,800 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,500 11,300 11,400 10,800 10,300 10,200 10,700 10,900 11,500 11,400 11,400 10,400 9,000 8,200 8,600 8,600 8,500 8,800 8,100 9,500 11,300 12,600 12,200
DCLG - SOC2010 classification: Count of those in employment
  1. 0
  2. 18,200
  3. 12,200
  4. 11,300
  5. 10,500
  6. 10,200
  7. 10,000
  8. 8,900
  9. 8,200
  10. 4,100
  11. 0

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All metadata
In Graph
Count of those in employment
8200 xsd:integer
Data set qb:dataSet
Annual Population Survey - Employment count by occupation, England, by District, LEP
Date Modified dcterms:modified
September 09, 2015 12:40 xsd:dateTime
DCLG - SOC2010 classification
SOC2010 Major Group 5
Label rdfs:label
Labour-Force, Employment, Count, By-Occupation, in the 12 months beginning: 2014-10-01, Bournemouth xsd:string
Reference area
Bournemouth E06000028
Reference period
Year ending 2015-09-30
Type rdf:type
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