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[this is a icon-] A column from a data cube dataset

Annual Population Survey - Employment count, England, by District, LEP: a data cube column

This dataset is for testing only. It is a subset of employment rate data retrieved from Nomis, a service provided by ONS.

Dclg Employment Count Age Grouping
  1. 16-64
Reference Period
  1. Year ending 2004-12-31
  2. Year ending 2005-03-31
  3. Year ending 2005-06-30
  4. Year ending 2005-09-30
  5. Year ending 2005-12-31
  6. Year ending 2006-03-31
  7. Year ending 2006-06-30
  8. Year ending 2006-09-30
  9. Year ending 2006-12-31
  10. Year ending 2007-03-31
  11. Year ending 2007-06-30
  12. Year ending 2007-09-30
  13. Year ending 2007-12-31
  14. Year ending 2008-03-31
  15. Year ending 2008-06-30
  16. Year ending 2008-09-30
  17. Year ending 2008-12-31
  18. Year ending 2009-03-31
  19. Year ending 2009-06-30
  20. Year ending 2009-09-30
  21. Year ending 2009-12-31
  22. Year ending 2010-03-31
  23. Year ending 2010-06-30
  24. Year ending 2010-09-30
  25. Year ending 2010-12-31
  26. Year ending 2011-03-31
  27. Year ending 2011-06-30
  28. Year ending 2011-09-30
  29. Year ending 2011-12-31
  30. Year ending 2012-03-31
  31. Year ending 2012-06-30
  32. Year ending 2012-09-30
  33. Year ending 2012-12-31
  34. Year ending 2013-03-31
  35. Year ending 2013-06-30
  36. Year ending 2013-09-30
  37. Year ending 2013-12-31
  38. Year ending 2014-03-31
  39. Year ending 2014-06-30
  40. Year ending 2014-09-30
  41. Year ending 2014-12-31
  42. Year ending 2015-03-31
  43. Year ending 2015-06-30
  44. Year ending 2015-09-30
  45. Year ending 2015-12-31
  46. Year ending 2016-03-31
  47. Year ending 2016-06-30
  48. Year ending 2016-09-30
  49. Year ending 2016-12-31
  50. Year ending 2017-03-31
  51. Year ending 2017-06-30
  52. Year ending 2017-09-30
  53. Year ending 2017-12-31
  54. Year ending 2018-03-31
Reference area
(showing types of area available in these data)
  1. Country Group
  2. Countries
  3. Upper Tier Authorities
  4. Lower Tier Authorities
  5. Unitary Authorities
  6. Non-metropolitan Districts
  7. Metropolitan Districts
  8. London Boroughs
  9. Local Enterprise Partnerships

This column appears in 2 spreadsheet views.

Cross section spreadsheet
(ie all possible values for DCLG - Employment count age grouping dimension)
Time series spreadsheet
(ie all possible values for Reference period dimension)
Entire dataset
Note: These may be large files.

The data have been sorted into coloured groups, each of a similar size. Hover over any area for details.

Display Areas of type:
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About the Dataset
Next update due
12th-20th October 2018

This dataset is for testing only. It is a subset of employment rate data retrieved from Nomis, a service provided by ONS.


This slice of multidimensional data is not a Linked Data resource in the database: it's a virtual resource (i.e. you can't query it by SPARQL). But does have a permanent unique URL which can be bookmarked.
Dimensions Linked Data

A linked data-orientated view of dimensions and values

Dimension Locked Value
Dclg Employment Count Age Grouping
Reference Period
Year ending 2010-09-30
Reference Area
(not locked to a value)