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[this is a resource] A resource in the dataset Features Of Interest.

RDF Resource

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This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
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In Graph
MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.8499809440629087 52.10231139108599, -1.8478669194866157 52.101017643493336, -1.8514207294841443 52.097822337675495, -1.8583595626140201 52.09263415531672, -1.8572018354794506 52.089959813038696, -1.855018790350019 52.0884682959783, -1.8587174409760028 52.086998264042975, -1.8536456264295058 52.083484819426424, -1.8513228369959671 52.08245878446909, -1.8466196665562398 52.07942111321132, -1.8491848757611813 52.077279197638646, -1.8508836281722314 52.07455533517683, -1.8543645734806924 52.07286938292894, -1.8556069538114202 52.07444069332439, -1.863178535701037 52.07377534174898, -1.8690450491705266 52.07385657230158, -1.8707187203597218 52.07531671104467, -1.8709054157964011 52.07837827767143, -1.8730149113537924 52.080604869652234, -1.8755642309227492 52.084278500747104, -1.8751089571335775 52.08478420470822, -1.875458609717939 52.089199044959294, -1.874447259185612 52.09437126517434, -1.876507063758901 52.09590004847555, -1.8833983471651479 52.09822121383302, -1.888132755686917 52.098729235644875, -1.8907693711747258 52.098071762773884, -1.8935117656175973 52.09648198707939, -1.8951668020418553 52.09662820491411, -1.8954819816127566 52.099193535647636, -1.8936439221496144 52.10232516351933, -1.8909656701140625 52.10381609182056, -1.890583623352321 52.10903481482137, -1.8894267013615924 52.1098186286017, -1.8833354351305245 52.10898028778888, -1.8611288117961489 52.107165507328446, -1.8562263541050275 52.10468814882135, -1.8552300963529886 52.10212550030678, -1.8499809440629087 52.10231139108599)))
POLYGON ((-1.85 52.102, -1.859 52.087, -1.847 52.079, -1.854 52.073, -1.869 52.074, -1.875 52.084, -1.874 52.094, -1.894 52.102, -1.889 52.11, -1.861 52.107, -1.85 52.102))
Type rdf:type
Machine-readable formats

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metadata about this linked data resource JSON RDF/XML Turtle N-Triples