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[this is a resource] A resource in the dataset Features Of Interest.

RDF Resource

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This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
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In Graph
MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.7411541846923002 51.89476456449525, -1.7387617468037473 51.89030870012012, -1.7390864701050626 51.885655634894974, -1.7399027922143533 51.884179305161275, -1.7408780344145567 51.88361052008435, -1.7404229625587542 51.87657578164348, -1.739831886634205 51.87528605231087, -1.7393254420217859 51.87065720916007, -1.7396287297689803 51.86843257932846, -1.7412650218954926 51.8664950029034, -1.7419904214815791 51.86306108730725, -1.7410884488123155 51.86232543226806, -1.741452922717973 51.860804035530776, -1.7467520975765198 51.861006161675625, -1.7482707687573504 51.865756727918516, -1.754064610250898 51.865106323528565, -1.761277550227759 51.866305294633854, -1.760621602807165 51.86785942545071, -1.767013826421924 51.86891701125413, -1.7720810978648276 51.867496437494566, -1.7742202428564948 51.863448263244415, -1.7768511048698281 51.86326356283732, -1.78358221715782 51.8598873678588, -1.7880212568301674 51.858958562391756, -1.7893950086264083 51.857998082463595, -1.793033945278034 51.853822791927364, -1.797324575733382 51.856041150495265, -1.8032109304026933 51.85568968794505, -1.7973812639981717 51.86480845803863, -1.7955853898101415 51.86661616544763, -1.7921610596237487 51.86846863908919, -1.790637195174336 51.87042600368253, -1.7779168850771625 51.880179639171004, -1.768405980354755 51.88694420726458, -1.7671970954305494 51.8880755997022, -1.7569930079235219 51.89502667385783, -1.7531158799638955 51.89740124736976, -1.7498486411627021 51.89848497214314, -1.7411541846923002 51.89476456449525)))
POLYGON ((-1.741 51.895, -1.74 51.884, -1.741 51.862, -1.741 51.861, -1.748 51.866, -1.772 51.867, -1.793 51.854, -1.803 51.856, -1.796 51.866, -1.768 51.887, -1.754 51.897, -1.741 51.895))
Type rdf:type
Machine-readable formats

In addition to this bookmarkable html page, this metadata about this linked data resource is also available for our robot customers in the following machine-readable formats. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.

metadata about this linked data resource JSON RDF/XML Turtle N-Triples