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[this is a resource] A resource in the dataset Features Of Interest.

RDF Resource

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This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
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In Graph
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.808151395856333 51.98159911065481, -0.8008627153007771 51.97862804884153, -0.7965616575161784 51.9754192343967, -0.7915302298929638 51.974382277857856, -0.7921272405916819 51.972319484803776, -0.7890028471012025 51.97254366960841, -0.7845633807188825 51.970144926924355, -0.7767211603627878 51.96736551314751, -0.7710714362956829 51.962529640519044, -0.7759314388861338 51.96247410101778, -0.7787574311555306 51.960620611778666, -0.78062781542457 51.958683444346754, -0.7828843293556644 51.95747583731863, -0.7875094909081798 51.95628449006793, -0.7899178509285351 51.95407218514817, -0.7942807466134721 51.95222061997215, -0.7977983919567566 51.94958701605735, -0.7971881539602659 51.94568931515527, -0.7979209746813116 51.943964151653624, -0.8039211585683012 51.94247779169142, -0.7991962194890171 51.93799248223737, -0.7984499019270033 51.93521552283907, -0.7964259458455374 51.931701702270246, -0.7951839721075377 51.93055429140498, -0.8002768205811562 51.92992381343317, -0.8041717729348035 51.93151263066, -0.8117309520328988 51.93139399636796, -0.8125422543913637 51.93333532630592, -0.8156662796248983 51.93638877594863, -0.8182855618454418 51.9381818817745, -0.8201699045924269 51.94121467579845, -0.82804308317218 51.94518832528126, -0.82959774987811 51.946332205302504, -0.833422835678582 51.946950094524226, -0.8338090291109158 51.94967743016429, -0.8329613058923435 51.95184317266224, -0.8330692787113745 51.95592817742507, -0.8372442992870219 51.95694866958412, -0.8325001665142263 51.960811208026264, -0.8297221056576951 51.96158026767572, -0.8258328416055652 51.96376512897338, -0.8213442588011381 51.96492062768333, -0.8174944813261629 51.967237778780046, -0.8187089337485168 51.97143281336826, -0.8205540260337546 51.97335211875766, -0.8164953465777894 51.97539021054038, -0.8143253694252174 51.975636319308954, -0.81062917145803 51.97804290042751, -0.808151395856333 51.98159911065481)))
POLYGON ((-0.771 51.963, -0.798 51.95, -0.8 51.93, -0.812 51.931, -0.821 51.942, -0.833 51.947, -0.837 51.957, -0.818 51.967, -0.821 51.973, -0.808 51.982, -0.777 51.967, -0.771 51.963))
Type rdf:type
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