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[this is a resource] A resource in the dataset Features Of Interest.

RDF Resource

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This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
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In Graph
MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.7530175270931349 51.9630998072335, -0.7445106514027334 51.95765155901522, -0.7448660195159079 51.95706820902312, -0.7365076029253439 51.954181691785315, -0.7297093336849182 51.947870401930786, -0.7355402025764814 51.946400974920934, -0.7386701349832949 51.94685979685602, -0.7433522317578943 51.94577057996102, -0.7507878219229971 51.94213162802552, -0.7566840353243938 51.944144200634625, -0.7587851877819415 51.94587561362218, -0.7655979421678462 51.94548497395299, -0.7668506122694552 51.94426625475135, -0.7705265877577341 51.943543077131366, -0.7748566038956382 51.94364031456517, -0.779589491085276 51.942294845581024, -0.7850987056798546 51.94214406004768, -0.788449264255324 51.94473481486178, -0.7936822950045294 51.94783928453467, -0.7977983919567566 51.94958701605735, -0.7942807466134721 51.95222061997215, -0.7899178509285351 51.95407218514817, -0.7875094909081798 51.95628449006793, -0.7828843293556644 51.95747583731863, -0.78062781542457 51.958683444346754, -0.7787574311555306 51.960620611778666, -0.7759314388861338 51.96247410101778, -0.7710714362956829 51.962529640519044, -0.7670695709756332 51.96404066536649, -0.7644704958247687 51.96423283884952, -0.7595229695278435 51.9633383853263, -0.7530175270931349 51.9630998072335)))
POLYGON ((-0.753 51.963, -0.73 51.948, -0.751 51.942, -0.759 51.946, -0.785 51.942, -0.798 51.95, -0.771 51.963, -0.753 51.963))
Type rdf:type
Machine-readable formats

In addition to this bookmarkable html page, this metadata about this linked data resource is also available for our robot customers in the following machine-readable formats. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.

metadata about this linked data resource JSON RDF/XML Turtle N-Triples