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[this is a resource] A resource in the dataset Features Of Interest.

RDF Resource

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This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
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In Graph
MULTIPOLYGON (((-1.0496569765623103 51.966958091372895, -1.0530176124846435 51.965728160132805, -1.0539089125522254 51.96030186494684, -1.0564025201457692 51.958609012227356, -1.0576342572024702 51.956427683557145, -1.0574703814843982 51.955079472102355, -1.0538387608876627 51.95158870405148, -1.0564971910119545 51.94922821742557, -1.05926603081144 51.94930070796223, -1.0648566683362701 51.94822758932333, -1.0666105697187456 51.946862226937476, -1.0702999688601045 51.94582053699263, -1.0760200562838917 51.94329583439712, -1.079099980592236 51.943435047952065, -1.0804079547816978 51.944713943546994, -1.0788255975852263 51.94653760381645, -1.0810487024423854 51.950247702235956, -1.0839698334316203 51.9519230591554, -1.0822321146275657 51.954795739353266, -1.080909268889519 51.95815086812891, -1.0758606355908582 51.963620342058945, -1.0729044132773613 51.96751462558109, -1.070935983863895 51.967959474130076, -1.0652417619055243 51.970965186916544, -1.063276395867589 51.97335025704349, -1.0598249850297805 51.975914962575615, -1.0535554109541003 51.9726872551327, -1.0515424841378476 51.97066421354079, -1.0499529812767403 51.97045090357218, -1.0483751747711647 51.96844569907091, -1.0496569765623103 51.966958091372895)))
POLYGON ((-1.05 51.967, -1.057 51.949, -1.08 51.945, -1.084 51.952, -1.073 51.968, -1.06 51.976, -1.05 51.967))
Type rdf:type
Machine-readable formats

In addition to this bookmarkable html page, this metadata about this linked data resource is also available for our robot customers in the following machine-readable formats. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.

metadata about this linked data resource JSON RDF/XML Turtle N-Triples