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[this is a resource] A resource in the dataset Features Of Interest.

RDF Resource

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This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
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In Graph
MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.8995378730307273 51.92550966948173, -2.9008867029659138 51.92590934553097, -2.9050975087579904 51.92449953723986, -2.9081612586515684 51.9211742850464, -2.9118160570808795 51.91955542755195, -2.9129266041565396 51.9201105699621, -2.916243509172257 51.91769216609292, -2.9202643107054564 51.917431485322226, -2.9252414410339442 51.91496385043832, -2.9283131911783498 51.913889443087065, -2.9308902349790484 51.91490937199078, -2.9341347876725985 51.91495107442896, -2.935641821280536 51.912613018172834, -2.9371979216057045 51.91228772521512, -2.939288105478131 51.91317198493807, -2.93981469914443 51.91506406190978, -2.9416409657546327 51.91687560199297, -2.9427853955643366 51.9200718633377, -2.9422492380630203 51.927305232700476, -2.94468941199203 51.929718719538066, -2.94469340329369 51.932883648112906, -2.942761691820138 51.934194798536595, -2.943435823712129 51.935475143677536, -2.9412269392055137 51.93626968521184, -2.94019212099524 51.93415422643743, -2.9328302075540624 51.93413102435174, -2.9281501134368253 51.93380839899238, -2.922928496166838 51.932823579249295, -2.923399094386292 51.93073839445476, -2.9163026553516 51.9285838342533, -2.9111426491888253 51.92873002253877, -2.899979800990099 51.92695478357297, -2.8995378730307273 51.92550966948173)))
POLYGON ((-2.9 51.926, -2.937 51.912, -2.945 51.93, -2.943 51.935, -2.928 51.934, -2.9 51.926))
Type rdf:type
Machine-readable formats

In addition to this bookmarkable html page, this metadata about this linked data resource is also available for our robot customers in the following machine-readable formats. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.

metadata about this linked data resource JSON RDF/XML Turtle N-Triples