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[this is a resource] A resource in the dataset Features Of Interest.

RDF Resource

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This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
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In Graph
MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.1507331345023255 52.00661338029055, -2.1462884910156426 52.0045794332913, -2.1454077868896886 52.00475963342122, -2.143735892402299 52.004096104402535, -2.1429562863800196 52.00416636674564, -2.146602969054763 52.00188990207514, -2.1499222977248715 52.00051104206134, -2.150623787635334 52.000950423497365, -2.152380323086472 52.00004492980177, -2.1523211650868888 51.999381870187186, -2.153093096595247 51.998908901056815, -2.151894820674323 51.998102956102954, -2.149926609462363 51.99782627711341, -2.145894659939834 51.998208074974855, -2.146041856746282 51.998870308906405, -2.143805503652871 51.99904309644504, -2.1435957670800225 51.996822601512314, -2.143801556099545 51.99632570515404, -2.1480768086221445 51.99529029000766, -2.1475119949031765 51.9936898780962, -2.1489379924942735 51.993019104469305, -2.1491459177853587 51.99245606795864, -2.150840875435963 51.9927590230438, -2.151571760685371 51.99213211195206, -2.153245571146882 51.99299300336388, -2.153382984245459 51.99409041616258, -2.154631132315907 51.99494601777483, -2.15263491106749 51.995100451368124, -2.152776003795421 51.995508982021676, -2.1542904386592823 51.99529418692551, -2.1546663738375598 51.99573602300525, -2.153994958425151 51.997124281742856, -2.156041204093321 51.99750113523946, -2.153358053994941 52.00036978037373, -2.1533179973079037 52.003130944214355, -2.1507331345023255 52.00661338029055)))
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In addition to this bookmarkable html page, this metadata about this linked data resource is also available for our robot customers in the following machine-readable formats. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.

metadata about this linked data resource JSON RDF/XML Turtle N-Triples