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[this is a resource] A resource in the dataset Features Of Interest.

RDF Resource

This is a Linked Data resource, but we don't visualise this kind of data at the moment. You can explore the RDF for more details: see the API tab.


This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
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In Graph
MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.1789425231394293 51.87800750039795, -2.1767192448932566 51.87861547695338, -2.175413773154307 51.87809200389256, -2.174924993391108 51.87971552795251, -2.1750953972447875 51.88108333961042, -2.1763425904865805 51.88146155256982, -2.1759837590833513 51.882752088844114, -2.176366109628628 51.88408244225717, -2.1545922190210045 51.8889055619809, -2.1557473977673154 51.88352209585641, -2.1542513809341504 51.88280323084093, -2.163206133476626 51.88157414224861, -2.1679867628625913 51.88074237321902, -2.1671526603149065 51.87998627863917, -2.1654256589379792 51.880143733845465, -2.1647029732821887 51.87938660284117, -2.165501305177255 51.87878724499672, -2.1657991806852133 51.87764868575514, -2.1652980483807696 51.877229124658584, -2.1662917503888375 51.876386951870046, -2.167960605780058 51.876327839058035, -2.1693091361232897 51.875987194777615, -2.1704536392560803 51.87500931894899, -2.1714580366383966 51.87566858452797, -2.1732354698792125 51.87501673325402, -2.1759811044121626 51.875418618158086, -2.1782402814681308 51.875415002951414, -2.1781820336190916 51.87695922003623, -2.1789425231394293 51.87800750039795)))
Type rdf:type
Machine-readable formats

In addition to this bookmarkable html page, this metadata about this linked data resource is also available for our robot customers in the following machine-readable formats. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.

metadata about this linked data resource JSON RDF/XML Turtle N-Triples