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[this is a resource] A resource in the dataset Features Of Interest.

RDF Resource

This is a Linked Data resource, but we don't visualise this kind of data at the moment. You can explore the RDF for more details: see the API tab.


This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
All metadata
In Graph
MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.9221932500473726 53.4661661783397, -2.921478742290074 53.46657912342816, -2.92074252857819 53.46568034997387, -2.9186300542303814 53.46438603054202, -2.9178393596917838 53.46472948116534, -2.913810981442513 53.464909691209535, -2.9137678668560993 53.46487234007994, -2.911751174485671 53.46216812852391, -2.910453912654891 53.458461536685064, -2.9169026355264203 53.45655450406516, -2.919989605751439 53.454595389938376, -2.9210954523028843 53.45412153508273, -2.925236783964463 53.45331629242605, -2.9259041243441537 53.45383750739886, -2.925215314819071 53.45397078858984, -2.9258370524503143 53.4556501329722, -2.923545342524787 53.45541741067264, -2.9226908371074884 53.45650884552861, -2.9230149490016517 53.45707222290842, -2.9227089827409856 53.457811728088444, -2.9245737091731026 53.45909930756257, -2.9252887459130714 53.46024491886656, -2.9271252574326034 53.4638650215359, -2.9294203165031045 53.466368847574344, -2.9279440142119877 53.46677337236762, -2.926713213698011 53.46676771450612, -2.925289661912893 53.46547647196037, -2.9226740252305117 53.46546315088864, -2.9221932500473726 53.4661661783397)))
Type rdf:type
Machine-readable formats

In addition to this bookmarkable html page, this metadata about this linked data resource is also available for our robot customers in the following machine-readable formats. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.

metadata about this linked data resource JSON RDF/XML Turtle N-Triples