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[this is a resource] A resource in the dataset Features Of Interest.

RDF Resource

This is a Linked Data resource, but we don't visualise this kind of data at the moment. You can explore the RDF for more details: see the API tab.


This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
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In Graph
MULTIPOLYGON (((-2.922567361932841 53.474998821205645, -2.9200038171330247 53.47328569983632, -2.9209965664248836 53.47262407473483, -2.9187141998699584 53.468592376474575, -2.919130757320308 53.46821749610703, -2.9208242656092547 53.46871712510541, -2.92172075330365 53.46831343089926, -2.9212975450291228 53.467675281558236, -2.921797251846446 53.467063821937444, -2.921478742290074 53.46657912342816, -2.9221932500473726 53.4661661783397, -2.923808581773486 53.46628996212114, -2.92372107417142 53.46671319106201, -2.926483125239714 53.46740762137952, -2.928109419514339 53.467215567430436, -2.928273083181427 53.46781668910415, -2.92683601130059 53.467908742626, -2.9263156455270183 53.468550981445816, -2.9266970982096354 53.469464880472046, -2.9273113112316436 53.46982653489663, -2.92712850078963 53.47111957007946, -2.9296501736756357 53.471552556685836, -2.9306602455877546 53.47235617572196, -2.930690496135879 53.47353101718006, -2.927697529852648 53.47382763672994, -2.9276238540957347 53.47334252671117, -2.922567361932841 53.474998821205645)))
Type rdf:type
Machine-readable formats

In addition to this bookmarkable html page, this metadata about this linked data resource is also available for our robot customers in the following machine-readable formats. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.

metadata about this linked data resource JSON RDF/XML Turtle N-Triples