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[this is a icon-] A concept in the concept scheme Business Plan Input Indicators concept scheme

Business Plan Input Indicators concept scheme: Expenditure per head on the Fire and Rescue Service

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Other concepts in the scheme include: Average capital grant payment per affordable rent dwelling by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Average New Homes Bonus grant payable per dwelling per year, Percentage of local authority revenue expenditure funded by general government grant, Percentage of local authorities committed to identifying and beginning work with troubled families,

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Definition skos:definition
This indicator measures the total revenue expenditure on the Fire and Rescue Service in England per head of population. xsd:string
Is in scheme skos:inScheme
Business Plan Input Indicators concept scheme
Is top concept in scheme skos:topConceptOf
Business Plan Input Indicators concept scheme
Label rdfs:label
Expenditure per head on the Fire and Rescue Service xsd:string
Notation skos:notation
fire-and-rescue-expenditure xsd:string
Note skos:note
#### How the figure is calculated: England total net current expenditure on the Fire and Rescue Service, divided by the mid-year population estimate for England. #### Why is this indicator in the business plan? This demonstrates the cost per head of providing the Fire and Rescue Service and will indicate over time whether the cost is going up or down. This indicator is of total revenue expenditure because the funding from the Department cannot be disaggregated from the total Fire and Rescue funding, which also includes locally raised funds, such as council tax. #### How often is it updated? Annually. A provisional figure will initially be released followed by a revised final outturn figure approximately three months later. #### Where does the data come from? The indicator is derived from two sources: The total expenditure figure is sourced from revenue summary returns to DCLG. Published figures are at []( The ONS population estimates that are used to derive a per head estimate are available at []( #### What area does the headline figure cover? England. #### Are further breakdowns of the data available? Yes, can be split by Fire and Rescue Authority. #### What does a change in this indicator show? A decreasing figure will indicate that expenditure on the Fire and Rescue Service is falling, per head of population. For 2011-12, total expenditure also fell, while the population of England rose. #### Time Lag Provisional figures published within five months of end of the reporting period, with final figures being published within eight months of end of the reporting period. #### Next available update September 2015. #### Type of Data National Statistics. #### Robustness and data limitations The expenditure figures are subjected to rigorous pre-defined validation tests both within the relevant form itself, while the form is being completed by the authority, and also as the data are received and stored. Population figures are the definitive mid-year estimates published by ONS. #### Links to Further Information []( #### Contact Details []( xsd:string
Preferred label skos:prefLabel
Expenditure per head on the Fire and Rescue Service xsd:string
Type rdf:type
Input Indicator
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