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[this is a icon-] A concept in the concept scheme Performance agreements, extensions to time or environmental impact assessments: Total Decisions

Performance agreements, extensions to time or environmental impact assessments: Total Decisions: Other developments:advertisements

other developments:advertisements - decisions subject to planning performance agreements, extensions to time or environmental impact assessments.
Other concepts in the scheme include: Other developments:change of use Minor developments:all other minor developments, Conservation area consents, Listed building consents to demolish.

Datasets with resources that use this concept

No datasets have resources that use this concept.

Predicates using this concept
has top concept skos:hasTopConcept

This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
All metadata
In Graph
Comment rdfs:comment
other developments:advertisements - decisions subject to planning performance agreements, extensions to time or environmental impact assessments. xsd:string
Is in scheme skos:inScheme
Performance agreements, extensions to time or environmental impact assessments: Total Decisions
Is top concept in scheme skos:topConceptOf
Performance agreements, extensions to time or environmental impact assessments: Total Decisions
Label rdfs:label
Other developments:advertisements xsd:string
Type rdf:type
Machine-readable formats

In addition to this bookmarkable html page, this metadata about this linked data resource is also available for our robot customers in the following machine-readable formats. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.

metadata about this linked data resource JSON RDF/XML Turtle N-Triples