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[this is a icon-] A concept in the concept scheme b) Av. incl. Adult Social Care and excl. local precepts

Average Band D council tax including Adult Social Care and excluding local preceptsThe average council tax bill in respect of the named authority for a Band D property including any amounts raised for the Adult Social Care precept but excluding any amount raised on behalf of parishes..
Other concepts in the scheme include: c) Av. incl. Adult Social Care and local precepts d) Av. Area council tax, e) Av. per dwelling, a) Av. excl. Adult Social Care and local precepts.

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Comment rdfs:comment
Average Band D council tax including Adult Social Care and excluding local preceptsThe average council tax bill in respect of the named authority for a Band D property including any amounts raised for the Adult Social Care precept but excluding any amount raised on behalf of parishes.. xsd:string
Is in scheme skos:inScheme
Is top concept in scheme skos:topConceptOf
Label rdfs:label
b) Av. incl. Adult Social Care and excl. local precepts xsd:string
Type rdf:type
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