Total new homes bonus grant payable per year
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For 2013-14: total grant payable equals the total payment for the current year and for 2012-13 and 2011-12 combined. The reward is payable on increases to effective stock, where this is defined as dwellings on the valuation list less recent demolitions less long-term empty homes. Growth in the effective stock is measured from October to October.
*New Homes Bonus is paid over six years. The first year of the bonus was 2011/12. Each year, authorities receive an 'in-year' reward based on housing delivery over the preceding year, plus respective rewards for the previous five years. Therefore, average grant payable per dwelling should also reflect housing delivery in previous years e.g. Average NHB paid per dwelling in 2013/14 is equal to the sum of in-year rewards of £199m, £233m and £236m (£668m) divided by the total housing units recognised over those years: 149k, 159k, 160k (469k).
The number of affordable homes, which are measured over the financial year (April to March) and pitches on Gypsy and Traveller sites, which are counted one day in July each year, are included in the stock.
Why is this indicator in the business plan?It is a measure of the financial reward for housing growth provided through the New Homes Bonus. This is a key DCLG policy.
How often is it updated?Annually
Where does the data come from?Council Tax Base returns. Published figures are available here.
What area does the headline figure cover?England
Are further breakdowns of the data available?Yes, can be split by Local Authority area. The New Homes Bonus calculator for individual local authorities is available here:
What does a change in this indicator show?An increase in the 'in year' NHB grant payable reflects increases in housing delivery over the preceding year. As the bonus is paid over six years, the total awards will increase until a steady stage is reached in 2016/17, where a full six years of housing delivery will be recognised for calculation of grant.
Time LagFigures are published in advance of the financial year: initial figures in December and final figures in February.
Next available updateFebruary 2016.
Type of DataOfficial Statistics
Robustness and data limitationsThe data used in calculating the New Homes Bonus are also used in calculating each local authority's Council Tax Base for Formula Grant purposes so this effectively ensures a 100% response rate before the release is compiled. Figures are subjected to rigorous pre-defined validation tests both within the form itself, while the form is being completed by the authority, and also in DCLG when the data are received and stored.
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