Average Standard Assessment Procedure energy rating score
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The sum of SAP energy rating scores for each new home for which an energy performance certificate has been issued in the reporting period, divided by the number of new homes for which a certificate has been issued. It is the average of the large number of scores calculated for new dwellings during the reporting period.
Why is this indicator in the business plan?This is a key housing measure for which DCLG has policy responsibility. It monitors the energy efficiency of new build homes.
How often is it updated?Quarterly
Where does the data come from?National Energy Performance Certificate Register. Published figures are available here
What area does the headline figure cover?England
Are further breakdowns of the data available?Yes, can be split by dwelling type.
What does a change in this indicator show?An increase in this indicator would show an average increase in the energy efficiency of new homes. The average SAP rating is expected to gradually rise over the long-term as a growing proportion of new homes are completed to the 2010 Building Regulations standard, which requires more energy efficient new homes.
Time LagPublished within two months of the end of the reporting period
Next available updateTo be confirmed.
Type of DataOfficial Statistics.
Robustness and data limitationsAverage figures are volatile due to a number of factors including the small number of new homes being assessed, the mix of dwelling types, the mix of heating systems used in new developments and the location of those developments.
Links to Further Information Contact DetailsThis is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
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A breakdown by type of the 18 resources in this dataset's data graph.
Resource type | Number of resources |
Impact Indicator Report | 18 |
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