This dataset contains a summary measure of the Indices of Deprivation 2010 Barriers to housing and services domain at local authority district level. It puts the 326 Local Authority Districts into a rank order based the population weighted average rank of all LSOAs in the LAD. A rank of 1 is the most deprived.
Dimension | Value |
Reference Period | |
Reference area
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CSVN-Triples |
The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas are ranked from least deprived to most deprived on seven different dimensions of deprivation and an overall composite measure of multiple deprivation. Most of the data underlying the 2010 indices are for the year 2008.
The Indices are designed for small areas, but one way of summarising relative deprivation at local authority level is by calculating the average rank of the LSOAs within it.
For the IMD and each domain, the summary measure is calculated by averaging all of the LSOA ranks in each local authority district. For the purpose of calculation, LSOAs are ranked such that the most deprived LSOA is given the rank of 32,482. The LSOA ranks are population weighted within a local authority district to take account of the fact that LSOA size can vary. (For simplicity in summarising the domains, the same total population size is used for all domains.) Finally the LADs are ranked according to the average rank of the LSOAs, from 1 to 326 where 1 is the most deprived.
The ‘Rank of average rank’ summary measure of for local authorities is also published for the IMD at:
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Dimension | Locked Value |
Reference Area
(not locked to a value) |
Reference Period
(not locked to a value) |
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Resource type | Number of resources |
Component specification | 3 |
Data set | 1 |
Data structure definition | 1 |
Observation | 326 |
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